Pakistan Independance Day Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Students

Topic:Pakistani Independence Day

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify key symbols of Pakistani Independence Day and understand their significance.


  • Pictures of Pakistani Independence Day symbols (flag, national anthem, Independence Day celebrations)
  • Color pencils or markers
  • Paper


  • Show the students pictures of Pakistani Independence Day symbols and ask them to identify what each symbol represents.
  • As a class, discuss the importance of each symbol and how they celebrate Pakistani Independence Day.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the colour symbols to the students and explain that these symbols represent Pakistani Independence Day.
  • Use the pictures of the Pakistani Independence Day symbols to demonstrate how each symbol represents a different aspect of the holiday, such as red for blood shed during the struggle for independence, green for the Pakistani flag, and white for peace and unity.
  • Ask the students to repeat the colour symbols and their meanings out loud.

Guided Practice

  • Provide each student with a piece of construction paper and a coloured pencil.
  • Have the students use the colour symbols to create a colourful representation of Pakistani Independence Day, such as a red circle for the blood shed during the struggle for independence, a green triangle for the Pakistani flag, and a white star for peace and unity.
  • Encourage the students to discuss and ask questions as they work.

Independent Practice

  • Challenge the students to create their own versions of Pakistani Independence Day using the strategy of colour symbols.
  • Provide each student with some plain paper and coloured pencils, and encourage them to use the colour symbols to create a colourful representation of Independence Day.
  • Allow the students time to work on their projects in silence, and then have them present their work to the class.


  • Have the students bring in something from home that represents Pakistan Independence Day, such as a Pakistani flag, a t-shirt with the Pakistani flag on it, or anything else they want to bring in.
  • Have the students share their items with the class and explain why they chose to bring that item in.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity to see if they are able to use the strategy of colour symbol closure to create a poster celebrating Pakistan Independence Day.
  • Collect the students' posters and have them evaluated by the teacher or a parent to assess their understanding of the strategy.
  • Have the students complete a writing prompt or questionnaire on their understanding of the strategy.

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