I Can Retell The Story Of The Disgusting Sandwich Using Pictures To Help Me. Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: Understand the concept of retelling a story using a large map and actions to help remember the details

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Create a large map of the park where the action in the story takes place
  • Add actions to help remember the text orally in retelling


  • Construction paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencils


  • Show the children a picture of a park and ask them to describe what they see in the picture. Encourage them to use adjectives to describe the different parts of the picture.
  • Ask the children if they have ever been to a park and if they can recall any stories they heard while they were there.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the picture map and explain that it will help the children retell the story of the Disgusting sandwich orally using pictures to help them remember the text.
  • Read the story of the Disgusting sandwich to the children, pausing after each page to allow time for the children to look at the picture and retell the story using their own words.
  • As a check for understanding, ask the children to retell the story using their own words without looking at the picture.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and provide each group with a copy of the story of the Disgusting sandwich and a picture map.
  • Have the children work together to retell the story using their own words and the picture map as a prompt.
  • As a check for understanding, have a group member share their retelling of the story with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil.
  • Ask the children to choose one scene from the story of the Disgusting sandwich and draw a picture of that scene.
  • Have the children add a caption below their picture to retell the story using their own words.
  • Display the children's picture maps and captions in the classroom.


  • Have the children stand up and walk to their picture map and caption.
  • Ask the children to briefly retell the story of the Disgusting sandwich using their own words.
  • Have the children sit back down and evaluate their own retelling.
  • Ask the children to share any challenges they faced in retelling the story and how they overcame those challenges.


  • Observe the children as they create their picture maps and during independent practice to assess their understanding of the text.
  • Ask the children to demonstrate their ability to retell the story orally using their own words.
  • Evaluate the children's retelling and provide feedback.

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