English Listening Speaking Reading Writing For Beginners Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Students

Topic:English listening speaking reading writing for beginners

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to listen and understand basic English sentences.
  • Students will be able to speak and write simple English sentences.


  • Audio player or computer with internet connection
  • Worksheets with writing and speaking exercises
  • Pencils and erasers


  • Show the students a picture or a object and ask them to describe it using simple English sentences.

Show the students some simple English words and have them make sentences with them.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the students to the basic elements of the English language: phonemes, words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Show the students how to pronounce the phonemes in English and how to combine them to form words.
  • Demonstrate how to combine words into phrases and sentences.

Guided Practice

  • Guide the students through a series of activities designed to improve their pronunciation and comprehension of English words and phrases.
  • Have the students repeat after the teacher and then practice on their own.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have the students work on a project-based activity in which they create a poster or presentation about something they are interested in.
  • As they work on their project, have them use the English skills they have learned to communicate with the class.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and give the students a chance to practice their English skills.
  • Have the students share something they learned or found interesting about the topic.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to gauge their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review their written and spoken English projects for understanding and improvement.

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