Kindergarten Colours Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Colours

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to identify and name at least 5 different colours.


  • Pictures of different objects in different colours (e.g. a red apple, a blue book, a yellow balloon, etc.)
  • A musical instrument (e.g. a xylophone, a drum, a guitar, etc.)-
  • A song about colours (e.g. "If You're Happy and You Know It" or "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes")


  • Ask the pupils to stand up and stretch their bodies. Ask them to name the different parts of the body (e.g. head, shoulders, knees and toes).
  • Next, ask the pupils to stand in a straight line and walk towards a designated spot, while calling out the names of the different colours they pass on the way (e.g. red, yellow, blue, green, etc.).

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of colours and show the corresponding picture cards.
  • Ask the pupils to repeat the names of the colours after you.
  • Play the music and have the pupils dance and move to the rhythm. As they dance, ask them to mimic the actions shown on the picture cards.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of picture cards.
  • Have the pupils take turns to show a card to the rest of the group and have them identify the colour.
  • Encourage the other pupils to guess the colour if they are unsure.
  • Then, have the pupils hold up the correct colour card while singing the colour song.
  • Repeat with the other colours.

Independent Practice

  • Give each pupil a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Ask them to colour in the circles on their paper using different colours.
  • Then, have them show their work to the teacher and identify their colours.
  • Encourage the pupils to name the colours as they colour in their circles.


  • Ask the pupils to share one thing they learned about colours today.
  • As they share, listen and provide feedback.
  • End the lesson by singing the colours song one more time.


  • Observe the pupils during the guided and independent practice activities to see if they are able to identify and label colours correctly.
  • Ask the pupils to tell you which colours form a particular shape or pattern, and assess their ability to recognise and name colours.

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