Children Can Participate In A Discussion About The Book, Taking Turns And Listening To What Others Say. Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: Predicting what a story might be about using the blurb and front cover

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children can use information from the blurb and front cover of a book to make predictions about the story.


  • Copies of a book with a blurb and front cover for each child
  • Pen or pencil for each child


  • Start the lesson by introducing the concept of a blurb and front cover. Explain that on a book, a blurb is a short description of the story that can give us an idea of what the book is about. For example, on a book about a cat who travels through time, the blurb might say "A cat travels through time and meets famous historical figures."
  • Then, show the children the front cover of the book and ask them what they think the story might be about based on what they see. For example, on a book about a cat who travels through time, the front cover might show a cat in a time-travel machine, so the children might guess that the cat travels through time in the book.

Direct Instruction

  • After the warm-up, continue the lesson by explaining that we can use both the blurb and front cover to predict what a story might be about.
  • Then, read the blurb and front cover together as a class and ask the children to point out any details that might give us an idea of what the story might be about. For example, on a book about a cat who travels through time, the children might point out the time-travel machine on the front cover.
  • After reading the blurb and front cover, ask the children to share their predictions about what the story might be about.

Guided Practice

  • Next, read the first few pages of the book together as a class, stopping periodically to ask the children to make inferences or predictions about what might happen next. For example, on a book about a cat who travels through time, the children might make inferences about what the cat might see or experience in the future.
  • After reading the first few pages, ask the children to share their new predictions about what the story might be about.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a piece of paper and pen and ask them to write a blurb for a made-up story.
  • Have the children share their blurb with a partner and discuss what the story might be about. Then, have them draw a picture to go with their blurb.
  • Have the children work in small groups to create a front cover for their made-up story, using the pictures they have drawn.
  • Have the children present their made-up story to the class and explain their blurb and front cover.


  • Review the steps to creating a blurb and front cover with the children.
  • Ask the children to share something they learned about creating a blurb and front cover during the lesson.


  • Observe the children during independent practice to assess their understanding of the steps to creating a blurb and front cover.
  • Have the children share their completed blurb and front covers with the group and discuss their ideas and the overall quality of their work.

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