Bossy R's

Topic: Bossy R's

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to form basic words using the ar, ir, er, and ur sounds.


  • Word cards with ar, ir, er, and ur words
  • Picture cards with ar, ir, er, and ur words
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Review the vowels sounds of a,e,i,o, and u. Have the students repeat after you as you say each sound slowly and clearly.
  • Ask the students to name some words that they know that start with each sound.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the new sounds of ar, ir, er, and ur.
  • Have the students repeat after you as you say each sound slowly and clearly.
  • Show the students some words that start with each sound. Have them repeat the word after you, starting with the given sound.
  • Have the students write the given sound on a piece of paper next to the word that starts with that sound.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs. Give each pair a set of words that start with the given sound.
  • Have the students take turns saying the word and spelling it correctly. The other student should check their work and confirm that the word starts with the given sound.
  • Go over the words as a class and have the students check their work.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a word that starts with one of the given sounds and create a picture to represent it.
  • Have the students present their pictures to the class and say the word.
  • Have the class try to guess the word based on the picture.


  • Review the sounds and the words that were learned in the lesson.
  • Have the students give a quick demonstration of using the ar, ir, er and ur sounds to form words.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and provide feedback on their word formation.
  • Collect and assess the students' multi-syllabic word cards to ensure they have properly formed the words.

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