1st Grade Mime Lesson Plan (Theatre)

Topic: teaching mimes

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of mime.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Images of people making gestures or using their bodies to communicate (e.g. posing for a selfie, performing a ballet pirouette, mimicking a machine beeping)


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a mime performance. What did the mime do? Ask for examples of gestures or movements that the students think might be appropriate for a mime to perform.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students some examples of gestures or movements that might be appropriate for a mime to perform. Ask students to brainstorm other gestures or movements that a mime might use. Write their ideas on the board.
  • Explain to students that mimes use their bodies to act out stories or scenes without using words. Mimes can use their bodies to show emotions, actions, or events.
  • Show students some examples of different emotions or actions that a mime might portray using their body. Ask students to name the emotion or action that the mime is showing.
  • Show students some examples of different events that a mime might portray using their body. Ask students to name the event that the mime is showing.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a scenario (e.g. ?a storm has knocked down a tree?) and have them brainstorm ideas for a mime to act out the scenario using only their bodies.
  • Have each group present their mime act to the class. Encourage students to use the gestures and movements that they have learned.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a blank piece of paper and have them create their own mime act. Encourage them to use the gestures and movements that they have learned.
  • Have students present their mime acts to the class.


  • Have students share any new gestures or movements that they learned during the lesson.
  • Review the different parts of a mime act and have students give examples of each.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their use of mime elements and their understanding of the different parts of a mime act.

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