Free 1st Grade Minibeasts Habitat Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Minibeasts Habitat

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will understand where minibeasts live and why.


  • Image of minibeasts
  • Map of the world
  • Marker
  • Paper


  • Ask the students if they have ever seen a minibeast before.
  • Ask them to describe what the minibeast looked like and where they saw it.
  • Ask the students if they know where minibeasts usually live.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the students pictures of different minibeasts and ask them to identify each one.
  • Discuss the different environments where minibeasts can be found, such as in the soil, on plants, or in water.
  • Explain that minibeasts need certain conditions in order to survive, such as food, water, and shelter.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs or small groups to draw and label a diagram of a minibeast's habitat.
  • Guide the students as needed to ensure that their drawings and labels are accurate.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students create a minibeast habitat craft by gluing construction paper to a sheet of cardboard and painting it to look like a minibeast habitat.
  • Have the students add details such as plants, rocks, and sand to their crafts.
  • Encourage the students to share their crafts with their classmates and explain what their crafts represent.


  • Review the types of minibeasts that were discussed during the lesson.
  • Ask the students to share something they learned about minibeasts during the lesson.
  • Remind the students that they can find minibeasts anywhere, even in their own backyards.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice activity to see if they are able to identify 3 types of minibeasts and explain where they live.
  • Collect the students' drawings and written paragraphs during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the topic.

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