1st Grade Living Things And Their Needs Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Living things and their needs

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand how environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, and light affect living things.


  • Pictures or real specimens of various living things (e.g. plants, animals, fungi)
  • Interactive whiteboard or smart board
  • Temperature sensor (e.g. infrared thermometer)
  • Humidity sensor (e.g. hygrometer)
  • Light sensor (e.g. photoresistor)
  • Blank chart paper and markers


  • Show the students a picture or real specimen of a living thing and ask them to guess how the environmental factors of temperature, moisture, and light affect it.
  • Ask the students to share their ideas and write them on the chart paper.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that all living things need certain environmental factors in order to survive.
  • Tell the students that the environmental factor of temperature refers to how hot or cold a place is.
  • Show the students a map or globe and point out different regions, explaining how the temperature varies in each region.
  • Explain that the environmental factor of moisture refers to how dry or wet a place is.
  • Show the students a cotton ball and a piece of paper and explain how they absorb moisture from the air.
  • Explain that the environmental factor of light refers to how much sunlight a place receives.
  • Show the students a picture of a forest and a picture of a desert and explain how they differ in terms of the amount of sunlight they receive.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs and give each pair a set of pictures of different living things.
  • Have the students sort the pictures into groups based on their habitat (e.g. desert, forest, etc.)
  • Have the students explain why they grouped the pictures in the way they did.
  • Ask the students questions about the environmental factors needed by the living things in each group.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in groups to create a "needs poster" for a fictitious species.
  • Have the students research the environmental factors needed by the species and create a poster that shows how the species gets those factors.
  • Have the students present their posters to the class.


  • Review the importance of environmental factors in the survival of living things.
  • Ask the students to think about how they can help protect environmental resources and preserve the necessary environmental factors for living things.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concept.
  • Collect and review the students' collages and written statements to assess their understanding of the importance of environmental factors in the survival of living things.

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