1st Grade Krebs Cycle Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Krebs cycle & its importance in cellular respiration

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the biochemical reactions involved in the krebs cycle and its significance in cellular respiration.


  • Diagram of the krebs cycle
  • Diagram of the electron transport chain


  • Ask the students if they know what energy is and where it comes from.
  • Ask the students if they know how their body gets energy to grow and stay healthy.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the meaning of energy and the sources of energy in the body (food, sunlight, oxygen).
  • Introduce the concept of metabolism and explain that it is the process by which the body converts energy from food into a form that can be used by the cells.
  • Discuss the steps involved in the Krebs cycle.
  • Provide the students with a handout that has a brief overview of the steps of the Krebs cycle.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
  • Provide each group with a set of colored pencils and a copy of the handout with the steps of the Krebs cycle.
  • Have the students work together to color in the steps of the Krebs cycle on their own copies of the handout.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a copy of the handout that has been completed by their pairs or small groups.
  • Have the students use their colored pencils to fill in any missing steps of the Krebs cycle.
  • Encourage the students to check their work with a partner before submitting their completed handouts.


  • Review the steps of the Krebs cycle as a class.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned about the Krebs cycle during the lesson.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice activity to assess their understanding of the Krebs cycle steps and the significance of each reaction.
  • Collect the students' completed worksheets to review their understanding of the importance of each reaction in the cycle.
  • Administer a short quiz or a brief written assessment to assess the students' understanding of the Krebs cycle and its importance in cellular respiration.

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