Free 1st Grade Syllabication Lesson Plan (Reading)

Topic: syllabication

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to recognize and pronounce two syllable words.


  • Speech bubble strips with two syllable words written on them (e.g. "bee-bee," "ma-ma," "na-na")
  • String or yarn
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick


  • Review one syllable words with the students. Ask them to name a one syllable word, and have them raise their hand if they can think of one.
  • Next, ask the students to name a two syllable word and have them raise their hand if they can think of one.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of syllabication to the students. Tell them that we use a special word called a syllable to divide words into smaller parts.
  • Show the students a word list and have them identify which words are one syllable and which are two syllables.
  • Have the students practice identifying syllables in words by dividing words into syllables.

Guided Practice

  • Show the students a word list and have them work in pairs to identify which words are one syllable and which are two syllables.
  • Have the students use the word lists to practice dividing words into syllables and identifying the syllables.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in groups to create a short story using only two-syllable words. They should brainstorm for ideas and use their knowledge of syllabication to create the story.
  • Have the students present their stories to the class and explain how they used only two-syllable words to create their story.


  • Review the importance of knowing how to syllabicate words in order to read fluently.
  • Ask the students to share any questions or concerns they have about syllabication.
  • Encourage the students to continue practicing their skills with syllabication as they work to read fluently.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their ability to syllabicate words.
  • Have the students complete a syllabication quiz to test their understanding of the concept.

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