1st Grade Reading Fluency Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Reading Fluency

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read at a comfortable and consistent pace without sacrificing accuracy.


  • Ridiculously easy texts (e.g. simple picture books)
  • A stopwatch or other timer
  • Marking pen or pencil


  • Ask students to think of a time when they were reading and it was hard for them to understand what the text was saying.
  • Have them share their examples with the class and discuss the difficulties they encountered.
  • Ask students if they can think of any ways to make reading easier and more fun.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of reading fluency and explain that it means being able to read text easily and smoothly.
  • Show students the reading stills and discuss how they can be used to identify the main idea of a text.
  • Model how to use the reading stills while reading a short passage or paragraph from a text.
  • Have students practice using the reading stills while reading a short passage or paragraph from a text.

Guided Practice

  • Show students a text and have them use the reading stills to identify the main idea.
  • Have students work in pairs and take turns reading a text and using the reading stills to identify the main idea.
  • As a class, discuss the main ideas that were identified using the reading stills.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a list of texts that they can choose to read independently.
  • Have students use the reading stills to identify the main ideas in the texts they choose to read.
  • Have students write a short paragraph explaining the main idea of the text they choose to read.


  • Have students share their paragraphs explaining the main idea of the text they chose to read.
  • Discuss as a class how well the students were able to identify the main ideas in the texts they chose to read.
  • Review the reading stills and the importance of being able to identify the main ideas in a text.


  • Observe students during independent practice and give feedback on their paragraphs.
  • Use the reading stills during group work as a form of assessment to see if students are able to identify the main ideas in the texts they are working with.
  • Use the reading stills as a form of assessment during the small group skype conference as a way to assess student understanding of the importance of being able to identify the main ideas in a text.

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