Free 1st Grade Isolating Sounds When Decoding Lesson Plan (Reading)

Topic:isolating sounds when decoding

Objectives & Overcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to isolate and say the sounds in a word when they are decoding.
  • Seniors will be able to isolate and say the sounds in a word when they are decoding with 90% accuracy.


  • Word lists with words containing three sounds or fewer
  • Picture cards with the words from the word lists
  • A recording device (smart phone or recorder)
  • Pencils and paper for recording


  • Review the alphabet and have students name the sounds that they hear in each letter.
  • Read a few simple words and have students name the sounds they hear.
  • Have students clap their hands and say the sounds they hear in each word.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of phonological awareness, explaining that it is the ability to hear and identify the individual sounds in words.
  • Demonstrate how to isolate the first sound in a word by saying the rest of the word silently while pointing to the corresponding sound in the word.
  • Have students practice isolating the first sound in a word by saying the rest of the word silently while pointing to the corresponding sound in the word.
  • Progress to isolating the second sound in a word by saying the rest of the word silently while pointing to the corresponding sound in the word.
  • Have students practice isolating the second sound in a word by saying the rest of the word silently while pointing to the corresponding sound in the word.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of cards with words on them.
  • Have each student take a turn showing one of the words to their group and having their group members isolate the first sound in the word.
  • Have each student take a turn showing one of the words to their group and having their group members isolate the second sound in the word.
  • Go through the entire set of words, rotating students through the roles of showing a word to their group and having their group members isolate the first sound in the word, and then the second sound in the word.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to come up with as many words as they can that contain either the first or second sound in the word star.
  • Have each pair share their list with the class and have the class come up with words that contain the third sound in the word star.
  • Have students work in small groups to create a class book that contains examples of words that contain all three sounds in the word star. Each student should contribute at least one word to the book.
  • Have each student take a turn reading a page from the class book to the rest of the class.


  • Review the sounds that were covered in the lesson and have students share one new word they learned that contains each of the three sounds.
  • Remind students that it can sometimes be difficult to isolate the different sounds in a word when reading, but that practicing this skill can help them read more fluently.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their ability to isolate sounds in words.
  • Have students complete a worksheet or quiz where they must isolate the different sounds in--and correctly spell--a list of words.

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