Free 1st Grade Give The Name And Sound Of Letter S Lesson Plan

Topic: Give the name and sound of letter s

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the letter s and say its name.


  • Pictures of objects that begin with the sound s (such as sea shells, superhero costumes, and sandwiches)
  • Letter s flashcards
  • Whiteboard and markers


  • Review the alphabet with the students. Ask them to name each letter and say the sound it makes.
  • Play a game where the students stand in a circle, and the teacher says a letter name, then points to a student who has to say the sound that letter makes. For example, the teacher will say "A, ah, go!" and point to a student, who has to say "ah" and move to the center of the circle. The student who was in the center then becomes the teacher and continues the game. This game helps students to focus and pay attention.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the new letter name and sound to the students. Write the letter s on the board and say "This is the letter s. It makes the sound "ssss"."
  • Have the students repeat the name and sound after you.
  • Show the students some words that begin with the sound of s. Ask them to repeat the word and say the sound it makes. For example, you can say "Say "sssss" for snake!" and have the students repeat the word and say the sound.
  • Read a short story or text to the students, stopping at each word that begins with s to have them repeat the word and say the sound.

Guided Practice

  • Give the students some worksheets with beginning sound practice. Have them trace the letters and fill in the blank spaces with the corresponding beginning sound. For example, you can give them worksheets with the letters s and t, and have them trace and fill in the blank spaces with the sound "ssss".
  • Have the students work in pairs and take turns saying a word that begins with the sound of s and having the other student repeat it and say the sound.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students draw a picture of something that begins with the sound of s. Then have them label their picture with a word that begins with the same sound. For example, they could draw a picture of a sun and label it with the word "sun".


  • Review the sound that the letter s makes and have the students say it out loud.
  • Ask the students to think of words they can say that begin with the sound s.


  • Observe the students as they practice reading words that begin with the sound s.
  • Collect the students' independent practice pages and assess their ability to read words that begin with the sound s.

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