
Topic: Consonants

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name the consonant sounds in the English language.


  • Flashcards with various consonant sounds written on them (e.g. "b", "d", "g", "p", "t", "m", "n", "l", "r" )
  • A whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk


  • Review the concept of phonics and how it relates to the sounds that make up words.
  • Introduce the concept of consonants and vowels and explain that vowels are the sounds that are typically pronounced with a long sound, while consonants are the sounds that are typically uttered with a shorter sound.

Direct Instruction

  • Have the children take out their phonics cards and demonstrate how to identify consonants and vowels by sorting the cards into separate piles.
  • Review the names of the consonants and vowels and say them out loud.

Guided Practice

  • Have the children work in pairs and give each pair a set of phonics cards.
  • Have the children take turns showing a card to their partner and identifying the sound it makes.
  • Encourage the children to help each other if they are unsure of the sound.

Independent Practice

  • Have the children use the alphabet cards to create a sentence with as many words as they can that begin with a consonant sound.
  • Encourage the children to help each other if they are unsure of the spelling of a word.


  • Review the consonant sounds that the children learned today.
  • Ask the children to share one thing they learned about consonants with the class.


  • Observe the children during independent practice to assess their understanding of the consonant sounds.
  • Collect and review the completed consonant cards to assess the children's ability to produce the sounds correctly.
  • Have the children complete a short sentence(i.e. I like ....) to assess their ability to combine a consonant sound with a vowel sound to form a word.

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