Free 1st Grade Treble Clef Lesson Plan

Topic: Treble clef

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify a treble clef and read notes written on a treble clef staff.


  • Treble clef posters or flashcards
  • Treble clef music notation cards
  • Treble clef staff paper and pencils


  • Have students sit in a circle and play a game of "pass the beanbag." Whenever a student drops the beanbag, they must sing the name of a note on the treble clef. For example, if the student drops the beanbag on the G, they would sing "GEE."

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that the treble clef is the symbol used to notate higher pitches in music.
  • Show the students the treble clef on the board and have them identify the different lines and spaces. Explain that the lines represent the EGB course, and the spaces in between the lines represent the GAB course.
  • Demonstrate how to read treble clef by starting on the bottom line and reading up to the top line, then down to the next space in between the lines, and so on.
  • Have students practice reading treble clef by reading the notes on the board or a music staff.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs and use a set of flash cards to practice identifying treble clef notes.
  • Set up the flash cards with the note on one side and the treble clef symbol on the other. Have students take turns showing a flash card to their partner and identifying the note on the treble clef.
  • As a class, go over the notes and symbols identified by the students.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use clay to create their own treble clef symbols.
  • Students can either copy the symbol from the board or use the flash cards to guide their creation.
  • Encourage students to be creative and try to make their symbols unique.


  • Ask students to share their treble clef symbols with the class.
  • Review the different parts of the symbol and have students point them out on their own symbols.


  • Observe students during the collaborative activity and feedback on their ability to identify and name each part of the treble clef.
  • Observe students as they draw their own treble clef symbols and provide feedback on their accuracy and their ability to identify and name each part of the treble clef.

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