Singing Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students


Objectives & Outcomes

  • Sing simple songs, chants and rhymes from memory, singing collectively and at the same pitch, responding to simple visual directions and counting in.


  • Songs, chants and rhymes on chart or sheet
  • Singing bowls or other percussion instruments
  • Simple visuals for counting


  • Review the concept of pitch and how it relates to singing. Ask the students to think about a song they know and how they can sing it together, at the same pitch.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of simple songs and chants, and explain that we will be learning some new ones today.
  • Show the students the song cards, and ask them to look at the pictures and listen to the words.
  • As a group, sing through the songs, correcting any mistakes and adjusting the pitch as needed.
  • After singing each song once, ask the students to repeat it with you, this time without looking at the cards.
  • Explain the hand motions for each song, and practice them as a group.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups, and provide each group with a set of song cards.
  • Have the students work together to sing through the songs, correcting any mistakes and adjusting the pitch as needed.
  • As a group, have the students repeat the songs without the song cards, continuing to correct any mistakes and adjust the pitch as needed.
  • After singing each song once, ask the students to repeat it with you, this time adding in the hand motions.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work individually or in small groups to create their own simple songs and chants.
  • Encourage the students to use their hands to accompany their singing, and to use visual (e.g. pointing to an object) or verbal (e.g. saying the name of a color) directions to guide their partners or group members.
  • As the students complete their songs and chants, have them share them with the class and lead the class in singing them.


  • Review the objectives of the lesson and have the students share one thing they learned or enjoyed about singing during the lesson.


  • Observe the students' participation and singing during the lesson and closure and provide feedback on their understanding of the objectives and the songs they sang.
  • Collect and review the students' independent practice projects, including the songs they sang and the posters or presentations they created.

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