Free Introduce Students To Different Musical Traditions And Cultures From Around The World. Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic:Introduce students to different musical traditions and cultures from around the world.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and describe musical traditions and cultures from different parts of the world.


  • Images or videos of musical traditions and cultures from different parts of the world
  • Computers or tablets with internet access
  • Projector or large screen slideshow
  • --


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of or seen a traditional dance from their culture or another culture.
  • Ask them to share their experience and describe the dance they saw.
  • Ask them to think of a traditional song from their culture and sing it to the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the students pictures or videos of different traditional dances from different cultures.
  • Ask students to describe what they see in the pictures or videos and identify the different movements and gestures.
  • Play recordings of traditional songs from different cultures.
  • Ask students to listen and identify the different sounds and instruments they hear.
  • Ask students to share what they know about the different musical traditions and cultures from the pictures, videos, and songs.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to create art projects that represent a musical tradition or culture from a different country.
  • Have each group present their art project to the class and explain the meaning behind their creation.
  • Play songs from different musical traditions and ask students to dance while they listen.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a different musical tradition or culture to research and create a poster or presentation on.
  • Using the information they learned, have students create a poster or presentation on the musical tradition or culture they chose.
  • Have students present their posters or presentations to the class.


  • Review the different musical traditions and cultures that were discussed during the lesson.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they learned and how it relates to their own musical traditions and cultures.


  • Observe students during the class discussion and music appreciation activity to assess their understanding of the different musical traditions and cultures.
  • Collect and review students' written reflections on the lesson to assess their understanding of the material and their ability to apply it to their own lives and experiences.

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