Explore Music Related To Seasonal Or Cultural Celebrations, Such As Songs For Holidays Or Traditional Folk Songs. Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic: Explore music related to seasonal or cultural celebrations, such as songs for holidays or traditional folk songs.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and describe the season or cultural celebration that is being commemorated through music.
  • Students will be able to identify and sing at least one traditional folk song related to the season or celebration.


  • Seasonal music playlist (e.g., Christmas carols, Thanksgiving songs, etc.)
  • Selection of traditional folk songs
  • Handouts with lyrics and information about the songs


  • "Let's get energized and ready to learn by doing some physical activity! I want everyone to stand up and join me in a little jump rope workout. Jump rope, jump rope, give me a high five, jump rope, jump rope, and now turn around!"
  • As the students jump rope, ask them to think about the season or celebration that is coming up and what they might expect to hear or sing about.
  • After a few minutes, have the students sit down and ask them to share their thoughts with a partner.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of music related to seasonal or cultural celebrations, such as songs for holidays or traditional folk songs.
  • Play a few examples of songs or music from different cultures and ask the students to listen and observe how they are related to a specific celebration or season.
  • Ask the students to share any knowledge they have about these celebrations and if they have heard any of these songs or music before.

Guided Practice

  • Play some more examples of songs or music from different cultures and have the students identify the celebration or season they are related to.
  • Have the students work in small groups to brainstorm a list of different celebrations and seasons and the songs or music associated with each one.
  • As a class, create a chart with the celebrations, songs, and any additional information the students found about each one.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a copy of the "Celebrations" chart created during class and have them write and illustrate a short story about one of the celebrations on the chart.
  • Have the students share their stories with the class.


  • Have the students think of songs that they have heard that are related to a celebration and write them down on their "My Favorite Celebration Songs" chart.
  • Have the students share their songs with the class.
  • Review the different celebrations and songs that the students have listed.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to see if they are able to successfully find and identify a song related to a celebration.
  • Have the students complete a written assessment, such as a short quiz, about the different celebrations and songs that they have learned about in class.

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