1st Grade Explore Dynamics (Loud And Soft) By Using Body Movements, Visuals, Or Instruments To Represent Contrasting Levels Of Volume. Lesson Plan (Music)

Topic: Explore dynamics (loud and soft) by using body movements, visuals, or instruments to represent contrasting levels of volume.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to recognize and identify various levels of volume in their environment.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the different levels of volume through body movements, visuals, or instruments.


  • Chairs or stools for students to sit on
  • Visuals or objects to represent loud and soft (e.g. loud speaker, toy dog, toy cat, etc.)
  • Music or recorded sounds to demonstrate different levels of volume


  • Have students stand up and stretch their bodies.
  • Then, have students make a loud sound, such as shouting or clapping, and a soft sound, such as whispering or hand clapping.
  • Ask students to share their experiences in making loud and soft sounds.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to students that dynamics refers to the contrast between loud and soft in music.
  • Demonstrate how to make loud and soft sounds using body movements and visuals, such as using your hand to make a loud sound by clapping it against your other hand, and a soft sound by gently moving your hands close to each other.
  • If available, use instruments to demonstrate how to make loud and soft sounds.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups and provide them with different instruments (such as drums, bells, or other percussion instruments).
  • Have each group choose one instrument and focus on making loud and soft sounds with it.
  • Have each group share their loud and soft sounds with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups and choose two different sounds to represent loud and soft. For example, they could clap their hands loudly and softly, or rub their hands together loudly and softly.
  • Have them use their chosen sounds to create a short dance or movement sequence.
  • Have each student or group present their sequence to the class.


  • Review the concept of dynamics with the class. Ask them to give examples of things that are loud and soft, and have them explain the difference between the two.
  • Remind students that they can use body movements, visuals, or instruments to represent dynamics in music.


  • Observe student during independent practice to see if they are able to demonstrate their understanding of dynamics using body movements, visuals, or instruments.
  • Have students complete a written or visual assessment to demonstrate their understanding of dynamics.

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