Free 1st Grade Encourage Students To Express Themselves Through Music By Clapping, Dancing, Or Moving To The Beat. Lesson Plan

Topic: Music

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to express themselves through music by clapping, dancing, or moving to the beat.


  • Music
  • Students
  • Space for students to move around in (such as a classroom or gym)


  • Begin by playing music for the students.
  • Ask the students to clap along to the music.
  • Next, have the students raise their hands to the beat of the music.
  • Finally, have the students move around to the music, trying different movements or dances.
  • End the activity by having the students play a simple game, such as "Simon Says," using the movements or dances they learned.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of clapping, dancing, and moving to the beat of music.
  • Demonstrate how to clap along to the music and how to move to the beat.
  • Explain the importance of expressing ourselves through music.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs.
  • Play a short segment of music for students to clap along to.
  • Encourage students to move to the beat as they clap.
  • Have students repeat the process with different music.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in small groups.
  • Have each group choose a song to clap along to and dance to.
  • As the group claps along to the song, have each student take a turn moving to the beat.
  • Have each group present their dance to the class.


  • Review the importance of expressing ourselves through music.
  • Ask students to share their favorite part of the lesson and why they liked it.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concept of expressing themselves through music.
  • Ask a student to demonstrate her understanding by clapping, dancing, or moving to the beat during the independent practice activity.
  • Collect and review the songs created during the independent practice activity to assess student understanding.

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