1st Grade Beat Lesson Plan Example (Music)

Topic: Beat and No Beat

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify a beat in a song and understand that it is the underlying rhythm.


  • Different types of songs (e.g. pop, classical, etc.)
  • Popsicle sticks or other percussion instruments (optional)


  • Begin the lesson by playing a few different types of songs for the students to listen to. Ask them to pay attention to the sounds they hear and try to figure out what is common among them.
  • Once they have had a chance to listen, ask them to share their observations.
  • Ask them if they can think of a word that describes the commonality they noticed in the songs.
  • Lead them to the word "beat" and explain that it is the underlying rhythm that makes a song interesting and enjoyable to listen to.

Direct Instruction

  • Next, play another set of songs for the students to listen to. This time, ask them to pay attention to the sounds they hear, but this time also ask them to pay attention to the words that are being sung.
  • Once they have had a chance to listen, ask them to share their observations.
  • Ask them if they can think of a word that describes the commonality they noticed in the songs.
  • Lead them to the word "no beat" and explain that it is the absence of a rhythmic pulse that makes a song boring and uninteresting to listen to.

Guided Practice

  • Next, play another set of songs for the students to listen to. This time, ask them to pay attention to the sounds they hear, but this time also ask them to pay attention to the words that are being sung.
  • Once they have had a chance to listen, ask them to identify if the song has a beat or no beat.
  • If they identify a song as having a beat, ask them to explain why they think so.
  • If they identify a song as having no beat, ask them to explain why they think so.
  • Lead them to the understanding that a beat is what makes a song interesting and engaging to listen to.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice, have the students choose a song they like and draw a picture to illustrate the beat of the song.
  • Have them write a sentence to explain how the beat of the song makes them feel.


  • Review the different types of beats and how they can make us feel.
  • Have the students share their drawings and sentences with the class.


  • Observe the students during the listening activity and provide feedback on their understanding of the different types of beats and how they can make us feel.
  • Evaluate the students' drawings and sentences for understanding of the concept of beat.

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