Free 1st Grade Triangles And Quadrilaterals Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Identifying the difference between quadrilaterals and triangles

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name quadrilaterals and triangles.
  • Students will be able to draw and label examples of both types of polygons.


  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons


  • Ask students to raise their hand if they know what a polygon is.
  • Ask students to name some polygon types that they know, such as triangle, square, and rectangle.
  • Show students a picture of a polygon and ask them to identify what type it is (e.g. is it a square or a rectangle).
  • Encourage students to explain their reasoning for their answers.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the names of the different types of polygons (triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, etc.).
  • Show students pictures of different types of polygons and have them identify which one is which.
  • Explain the differences between quadrilaterals and triangles.
  • Quadrilaterals are any four-sided polygon, while triangles have three sides.
  • Quadrilaterals can be further divided into rectangles, squares, and trapezoids, which all have different characteristics.
  • Triangles have three sides and three angles, while quadrilaterals can have any number of sides and any number of angles.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups and give each group a set of pictures of polygons.
  • Have them identify which ones are quadrilaterals and which ones are triangles.
  • Have them explain their reasoning and have a discussion as a class about any differences or similarities they may have noticed.
  • As a follow up, have students work in pairs or small groups and give each group a set of geometric shapes (cubes, cylinders, etc.).
  • Have them identify which ones are quadrilaterals and which ones are triangles.
  • Have them explain their reasoning and have a discussion as a class about any differences or similarities they may have noticed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups to create a classroom poster or presentation on the different characteristics of quadrilaterals and triangles.
  • Students can use their prior knowledge and the information they have learned in the lesson to list and explain the characteristics that define a quadrilateral or a triangle.
  • encourage students to be creative and use visual aids (such as pictures or drawings) to enhance their presentation.


  • Review the key points of the lesson with the students.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about quadrilaterals and triangles today.


  • Observe students during the independent practice to assess their understanding of the concept.
  • Collect and review the student-created quadrilaterals and triangles to assess their ability to accurately identify and differentiate between the two.

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