Free Telling About Time Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic: Telling about time

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to tell time to the hour and half hour.


  • Clock with hour and half hour hands
  • Chart with time marks for practice (can include AM and PM)
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Review what hours are and how to read a clock. Ask students to name some times on a clock and give examples for each one.
  • Ask students to name some ways we can tell time, such as by a clock, by a calendar, by the sun, etc.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of telling time on an analog clock.
  • Show the students a clock and ask them to identify the numbers and the hour hand.
  • Ask the students to tell you what time it is, using the hour hand to indicate the hour and the minute hand to indicate the minute.
  • Model how to read the hour and minute hands of a clock, using the numbers to help.
  • Ask the students to practice telling time on a clock, using your guidance as needed.

Guided Practice

  • Show the students a series of pictures of different times of day and ask them to tell you what time it is for each picture.
  • Allow the students to work in pairs to practice telling time on a clock, using the pictures as a guide.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students draw a picture of themselves at a specific time of day, such as sleeping or eating lunch.
  • Ask the students to write a sentence below their picture to describe what they are doing in the picture.


  • Review the vocabulary words for time (morning, afternoon, evening, night) and their kanji.
  • Ask the students to share something they learned about telling time today.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to see if they are able to tell the time correctly.
  • Collect the students' stories and assess their ability to tell a story with accurate time.

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