Free 1st Grade Read Numbers Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Reading numbers from 0 to 100

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read numbers from 0 to 100.


  • Chart with numbers from 0 to 100
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Ask students to raise their hand if they can already read numbers from 0 to 100.
  • Have a few students volunteer to come to the front of the class and read numbers from 0 to 100 out loud to the rest of the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the numbers 0 to 100 using the flashcards or chart.
  • Have students repeat the numbers after you.
  • Show students how to read each number by pointing to each digit and saying it out loud. For example, to read the number 53, point to the 5 and say "five," then point to the 3 and say "three."
  • Review the numbers 0 to 100 several times, making sure that students understand how to read each number.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work with a partner to practice reading numbers.
  • Give each student a set of flashcards or a worksheet with numbers written on it.
  • Have students call out the numbers and have their partner check to make sure they are correct.
  • Repeat with different sets of flashcards or worksheets until students can consistently read numbers accurately.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity to practice reading numbers.
  • For example, have them label objects in the classroom with numbers, or create a numbers sensory bin with plastic toys.
  • Encourage students to be creative and have fun with the activity.


  • Have students share their projects with the class.
  • Review the numbers that were used in the projects and have students say them aloud.
  • Ask students to share something they learned about reading numbers during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to make sure they are reading numbers correctly.
  • Collect and review the completed number books or number drawings to assess understanding of the numbers 0 to 100.

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