Free Clock Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic: introducing clocks to children

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the numbers on a clock and tell the time.


  • Clock with hands for each student
  • Clock face without hands for each student


  • Have the class stand up and stretch. Ask them to point to the different parts of their bodies and name them (head, shoulders, knees, etc.).
  • Ask the class what time it is. Have them answer with the number on the clock that matches the time they are referring to.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the class the clock and explain that this is a device that shows the time.
  • Show the class the numbers on the clock and explain that these are the numbers that tell the time.
  • Ask the class to repeat the numbers on the clock after you.

Provide Examples

  • Show the class some pictures of clocks and ask the class to identify the clock and its numbers.
  • Demonstrate how to read the clock by pointing to the numbers and saying the time.
  • Have the class follow along with you and practice reading the clocks.

Independent Practice

  • Provide the class with some worksheets or pages with pictures of clocks and ask the class to identify the time.
  • Have the students work individually or in pairs to fill in the time on the clocks.
  • Encourage the students to check their work and correct any mistakes they may have made.


  • Review the different ways of telling time and ask the students to give examples of each.
  • Ask the students to put their hands up if they are able to read the time on a clock and have them show their work.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and give feedback on their ability to read the time on a clock.
  • Have the students turn in their work from the independent practice activity for review.

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