1st Grade French Phonics Lesson Plan


Objectives & Overcomes

  • Students will be able to recognize and correctly pronounce the French phonics sounds.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • French alphabet cards
  • Flashcards with the French phonics sounds


  • Review the alphabets of the students' native language.
  • Ask the students to recite the alphabets and point to the corresponding letter whenever they hear it.
  • Encourage the students to communicate with each other in their native language.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the French phonics sounds to the students using the flashcards.
  • Demonstrate how to pronounce each phonics sound and encourage the students to imitate.
  • Ask the students to repeat the phonics sounds after you.
  • Review the alphabets of the students' native language again to ensure that they have remembered the phonics sounds.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into pairs.
  • Give one flashcard to each pair and ask them to identify the phonics sound on the flashcard.
  • Have the students point to the phonics sound and then pronounce it.
  • Have the students practice saying the phonics sound together several times.
  • Switch pairs and repeat.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a stack of flashcards and have them work individually to identify the phonics sound on each flashcard.
  • Encourage the students to say the phonics sound out loud as they identify it.
  • Have the students practice saying the phonics sounds together several times.


  • Review the phonics sounds that were covered in the lesson.
  • Have the students say the phonics sounds out loud one more time.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to make sure they are accurately -making the phonics sounds.
  • Collect and review their written work to assess their understanding of the phonics sounds.

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