Personal Hygiene

Topic: Personal Hygiene

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will understand the importance of personal hygiene and will be able to demonstrate basic personal hygiene skills.


  • Soap
  • Water
  • Towels
  • Mirrors


  • Ask the children if they know what personal hygiene is.
  • Ask the children if they know how to take care of their body by practicing personal hygiene.
  • Show the children a picture of a person who is practicing good personal hygiene and ask them to describe what they see.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the children that personal hygiene is the general cleanliness of the body.
  • Tell the children that personal hygiene helps to keep them healthy and feeling good.
  • Explain the importance of washing the hands, brushing the teeth, and using deodorant.
  • Show the children how to properly wash their hands, brush their teeth, and use deodorant.

Guided Practice

  • Have the children work in pairs or small groups and provide them with handwashing supplies, toothbrushes, and deodorant.
  • Have the children demonstrate how to properly wash their hands, brush their teeth, and use deodorant.
  • Encourage the children to ask questions and provide feedback.

Independent Practice

  • Ask the children to create a poster or skit that teaches others how to properly wash their hands, brush their teeth, and use deodorant.
  • Encourage the children to use language and gestures to help illustrate their message.


  • Remind the children of the importance of personal hygiene for maintaining good health and keeping ourselves clean.
  • Have the children share their posters or skit with the class.


  • Observe the children during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their understanding of the importance of personal hygiene and their ability to practice it.
  • Collect and review the posters or skits to assess the children's ability to communicate their understanding of personal hygiene.

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