Free Vowel Sounds, Blends, Beginning Sounds Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic: Vowel Sounds, Blends, and Beginning Sounds

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and produce the five primary vowel sounds in English.
  • Students will be able to blend those sounds together to form simple words.


  • Vowel cards (A, E, I, O, U)
  • Blending cards (each representing a different vowel sound)
  • Word cards (containing simple words that can be formed by blending vowels)


  • Review the concept of syllables and how each syllable in a word is pronounced separately.
  • Ask students to say the following words, emphasizing the syllables: cat, hop, tree, rug.
  • Have students blend the syllables together to form simple words, such as cat-hop (catHuP), tree-rug (TreeRuG).

Direct Instruction

  • Display the pictures of the different vowel sounds.
  • Ask students to identify the vowel sound in each picture.
  • Review the words with the corresponding vowel sounds, such as  a-apple (aApEl), e-egg (eEGg), o-orange (oRAnGE).
  • Ask students to repeat the words after you, emphasizing the corresponding vowel sound.

Guided Practice:

  • Say a word, such as  a-apple, and have students identify the word and the vowel sound.
  • Ask students to identify the vowel sound in other words, such as  e-egg, o-orange, and a-apple.
  • Have students work with a partner to identify the vowel sound in different words.

Independent Practice:

  • Have students choose a word they know, such as  -dog, and create a picture to represent the word.
  • Have students share their pictures with the class and have the class identify the word.
  • Have students create more pictures to represent different words with the same vowel sound, such as  -catch, -car, and -cat.
  • Have students work in pairs to create pictures to represent different words with the same vowel sound.
  • Have students present their pictures to the class and have the class identify the words.


  • Review the different vowel sounds and words that were represented with pictures.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about vowel sounds today.


  • Observe students during independent practice and make note of which vowel sounds they can identify in words.
  • Have students write a short paragraph using at least 5 words with the vowel sound -a- in them.
  • Have students point to the picture that represents the word they wrote in their paragraph.
  • Evaluation:
  • Provide feedback on which vowel sounds students were able to identify in words and which ones they had trouble with.
  • Determine if students were able to write a paragraph using at least 5 words with the -a- vowel sound in them.
  • Evaluate students' ability to accurately point to the picture that represents the word they wrote in their paragraph.

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