1st Grade The Introduction Of The Sound "Sh". Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Building English vocabulary using the phonics approach to introduce the phonics sound "sh".

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the sound "sh" when hearing it in spoken words.
  • Students will be able to create new words using the phonics sound "sh" in both beginning and ending positions.


  • Picture cards with images of items that begin with the phonics sound "sh" (such as shrimp, shoe, ship, sun, etc.)
  • Writing paper and pencils or pens
  • A whiteboard or blackboard and markers or chalk


  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they can think of any words they already know that begin with the sound "sh". Write their responses on the board.
  • Next, ask students if they can think of any words they already know that end with the sound "sh". Write their responses on the board as well.
  • Then, ask students to look at the words they have listed on the board and see if they can find any that share the same beginning or ending sound. For example, if a student has listed ship and shark, they might notice that they both have the same ending sound of "sh".

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the phonics sound "sh" and explain that it is made by using the letters "sh" together.
  • Have a student come to the front of the class and give them a piece of paper with the sound "sh" written on it. Have them say the sound and then repeat it several times while the rest of the class listens and repeats after them.
  • Then, have the student say a word that begins with the sound "sh" while the rest of the class listens and tries to guess what the word is.
  • Finally, have the student say a word that ends with the sound "sh" while the rest of the class listens and tries to guess what the word is.

Guided Practice

  • Have a student come to the front of the class and give them a word with the sound "sh" in it. Have them say the word and have the rest of the class try to guess what it is.
  • Then, have the student say another word with the sound "sh" in it and have the rest of the class try to guess what it is.
  • Finally, have the student say any word with the sound "sh" in it and have the rest of the class try to guess what it is.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in groups and come up with their own words that have the sound "sh" in them. Have each group present their words to the class and have the class try to guess what they mean.


  • Review the vowel sounds and the phonics symbols for the sound "sh".
  • Ask the students to say "sh" words and have the class try to guess what they mean.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to ensure they are correctly identifying and writing the sound "sh" in their stories.
  • Collect and review the students' stories to assess their understanding of the phonics sound "sh".

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