Free Phoneme Segmenting Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Students

Topic: Introduction to phoneme segmenting

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and manipulate individual phonemes in a spoken word.


  • Flashcards with simple single-syllable words
  • A whiteboard and markers
  • A CD player and a collection of audiobooks or stories


  • Start the class with a quick review of the pronunciation of individual letters. Ask the students to pronounce each letter slowly and clearly, pairing them up with a partner to practice cooperatively. Examples: "buh" "dee" "eff" "geet" "juh" "kuh" "pee" "que" "rhuh" "shuh" "tee" "vee" "whuh" "zuh"

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of phonemes and how they are the smallest units of sound in a word that can be pronounced differently.
  • Use the picture cards to demonstrate how different phonemes can be pronounced differently in the same word. For example, the word "cat" has three different phonemes: "c," "a," and "t."
  • Ask the students to repeat the different pronunciations of the phonemes in the word, encouraging them to pay attention to the different sounds in the word.
  • Repeat this process with a few more words, encouraging the students to notice and repeat the different phoneme pronunciations in each word.

Guided Practice

  • Using the same picture cards, have the students take turns identifying the different phonemes in each word and pronouncing them correctly.
  • Encourage the students to use the correct pronunciation of each phoneme, and provide feedback and encouragement as needed.
  • Repeat this process with a few more words, until the students have mastered the process.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create their own word collages.
  • Using the picture cards, have the students identify the phonemes in each word and add them to their collages.
  • Encourage the students to use the correct pronunciation of each phoneme, and provide feedback and encouragement as needed.
  • When the students have finished creating their word collages, have them share their collages with the class and explain how they used the picture cards to segment the phonemes in the words.


  • Review the importance of phoneme segmenting in reading and writing, and remind the students of the skills they practiced during the lesson.
  • Have the students share one thing they learned about phoneme segmenting during the lesson.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their ability to correctly segment the phonemes in the words.
  • Have the students complete a worksheet where they practice phoneme segmenting in multiple words.
  • Collect and review the students' work to assess their understanding of phoneme segmenting.

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