Free 1st Grade Past Form Of The Verb Lesson Plan (English)

Topic:Using Past Tense in a Story

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use past tense verbs in a story accurately and appropriately.


  • Pictures or objects to represent the actions in the story
  • Pencils and paper for students to write their stories


  • Ask students to think of a story they have heard or made up before.
  • Have them share their story with a partner, and encourage them to add new details and actions to make it longer.
  • After a few minutes, ask a few students to share their stories with the whole class.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of past tense by explaining that it is used to describe things that have already happened.
  • Using the word cards, demonstrate how to change a verb to the past tense by adding -ed or -d.
  • For example, "jump" becomes "jumped," and "eat" becomes "ate."
  • Have students practice adding -ed or -d to verbs on their own using the word cards.
  • Encourage them to use the past tense when telling their stories, and have them listen to each other's stories to check for proper use of past tense.

Guided Practice

  • Tell the story again and have students help you identify the verbs that should be changed to the past -ed or -d.
  • Have students practice changing the verbs to the past tense as you continue to tell the story.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a story from a book or -ictionary and change the verbs to the past tense.
  • Encourage them to use a variety of verbs and to pay attention to the correct spelling of the past tense forms.


  • Have students share their stories with the class.
  • Ask them to point out the past tense verbs and explain their meaning.


  • Observe students during independent practice and listen to their presentations to assess their understanding of the past tense verbs.
  • Collect and review their stories for correct use of past tense verbs.

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