1st Grade Letter F Sound And Writing Lesson Plan Example (English)

Topic: letter f sound and writing

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to pronounce the letter f sound correctly.
  • Students will be able to write the letter f correctly.


  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • Letter f cutouts or picture cards


  • Have students stretch their mouths and make the /f/ sound several times.
  • Ask students to share the different ways they can make the /f/ sound.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the letter f and its corresponding sound (/f/).
  • Demonstrate how to make the /f/ sound by stretching the mouth and releasing the sound.
  • Have students practice making the /f/ sound with you several times.
  • Show students how to write the letter f by first making a vertical line and then making a leftward sloping line on top.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs and give each pair a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • Show one pair how to make the /f/ sound and have them practice with you several times.
  • Then have the other pair watch and repeat.
  • Next, have all the pairs practice writing the letter f on their own.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity to practice the letter f and its sound.
  • One idea could be to have them create a book with f-inspired stories or illustrations.
  • Another could be to have them create a collage with objects that start with the letter f.
  • Encourage them to be creative and have fun with the activity.


  • Review the letter f and its sound with the students.
  • Ask them to share any new words they learned that start with the letter f.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to see if they are able to write words that start with the letter f correctly.
  • Collect the students' written work and assess their ability to write words that start with the letter f.

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