Colour Lesson Plan for 1st Grade Example Students

Topic: Colors

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify and name at least 5 different colors.


  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Colored cardboard sheets (optional)
  • Flash cards with pictures of different colors


Start the lesson by asking the students to look around the room and find as many things as they can that are a certain color. Once they have found an object, have them raise their hand and name the color of the object. For example, if a student sees a red apple, he or she would raise their hand and say "Red." Continue doing this until all the students have had a chance to participate.

Direct Instruction

After the warm-up, show the students the PowerPoint presentation that contains pictures of different colors. Ask them to look at the pictures and try to identify the colors. As they identify each color, write it on the board next to its corresponding picture. Once you have gone through all the colors, ask the students to repeat the colors out loud with you.

Guided Practice

Next, use the flash card game to reinforce the colors that the students have learned. Start by showing one flash card at a time and having the students identify the color. Then, give them a small piece of paper and have them draw a picture of the color they identified.

Independent Practice

After the students have had a chance to practice the flash card game, have them work in pairs to create a colorful collage using the colored paper and the pencils. Encourage them to use a variety of colors and to mix colors together to create new colors.


Have the students share their collages with the class and talk about the different colors they used and how they mixed colors to create new ones.

Ask the students to share one thing they learned about colors today.


Observe the students during independent practice and give feedback on their ability to mix colors and create new ones.

Evaluate the students' collages and assess their ability to use a variety of colors and their understanding of the different shades and hues.

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