Body Parts

Topic: Body parts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to identify different body parts, their functions and importance.
  • Children will be able to protect their body parts and keep them healthy.


  • Pictures of different body parts (e.g. hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, nose)
  • Note cards with information about each body part
  • Poster paper and markers

Warm up

  • Begin the lesson by asking the children what they know about their body. Write down the different body parts they mention on the poster paper.
  • Next, show the children the picture of a body part and ask them to tell you its name and what it is used for.
  • Continue with this activity until all pictures are shown.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the children that their body is made up of many different parts that are essential for their survival and growth.
  • Introduce each body part one by one and give a brief explanation of its function and importance. For example, you can say “Our eyes let us see the world around us. Our ears let us hear sounds. Our nose and mouth let us breathe. Our hands and feet let us touch and hold things. Our skin protects us from harmful things.”
  • If you have props like toy cars, dolls or construction vehicles, you can use them to demonstrate how each body part is used.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each group a handout with images of different body parts.
  • Ask the children to look at the images and identify the parts of their own body. Then, have them practice saying the names of each part and explaining its function.
  • You can also ask the children to work with a partner and match the images to their own body.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a blank body template and a pen.
  • Ask the children to draw and label the different body parts on their template.
  • Encourage them to use the language they practiced during the guided practice to name the parts and explain their function.


  • Ask the children to share one thing they learned about their body during the project.
  • Recap the importance of each body part and how it helps us.
  • Remind the children to take care of their body and protect it from harm.


  • Observe the children during the presentation and listen to their questions during the guided discussion, looking for understanding and participation.
  • Collect the children's drawing or models and check for correct identification and understanding of the body parts.

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