All About Me

Topic: all about me

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of the lesson, the children will be able to name and talk about themselves.


  • Whiteboards or blackboards and markers
  • Pictures of each child
  • Index cards with words or phrases related to self-introductions (e.g. "my name is...", "I live in...", "I like...")


  • Greet the children and ask them to introduce themselves to the class using their name and where they are from.
  • As the children introduce themselves, write their names on the whiteboard.
  • After all the children have introduced themselves, ask them to take a few moments to look at the whiteboard and see if they can find their names.

Direct Instruction

  • Ask the children if they know how to say "hello" in their native language.
  • Ask the children to repeat the greeting in their native language several times, allowing them to practice saying it.
  • Then, ask the children to say "hello" in English.
  • Encourage the children to use their hands to gesture when saying "hello," to practice making the hand gestures for the greeting.
  • Ask the children to say their names in English, using gestures to help them remember the hand movements for each letter.
  • If necessary, write the children's names on the whiteboard and have them practice saying their names, using gestures to help them remember the hand movements for each letter.

Guided Practice

  • Take the children in small groups to a separate area with supplies for drawing and painting.
  • Have the children draw or paint a picture of themselves, using the provided supplies and guidance from the teacher.
  • As the children are working, walk around the room and ask them to share their drawings and talk about themselves.
  • Encourage the children to use their native language as much as possible when talking about themselves.
  • At the end of the activity, gather the children together and display their artwork on the wall or a table.

Independent Practice

  • Have the children create a collage of pictures and objects that represent themselves.
  • Encourage the children to use their native language as much as possible when adding items to their collage.
  • When the collages are finished, have the children share their collages with the class and explain what each item represents.


  • Review the different parts of the body and have the children point to each one as it is named.
  • Ask the children to share something they like about themselves.
  • Encourage the children to use their native language as much as possible when responding.


  • Observe the children during the independent practice activity, and listen carefully to their responses to assess their understanding of the concepts taught.
  • Collect and review the children's drawings as a form of assessment.

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