Reflection On What Has Went Well And What Could Be Improved Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Reflecting upon past two years of school and what has gone well and what could be improved

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to reflect upon past two years of school and identify what has gone well and what could be improved.


  • Chat room or other online communication tool (e.g. Skype, Google Hangouts)
  • Handouts with prompts for reflection (e.g. "What was your favorite moment from the past two years of school?")


  • Ask students to spend a few minutes thinking about their past two years of school. What are some things that have gone well? What are some things that could be improved?
  • Have students share their thoughts with a partner.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of reflection and explain that it is an important part of self-evaluation and growth.
  • Discuss some of the benefits of reflection, such as helping us to identify areas for improvement and celebrate our progress.
  • Have students take out their reflection journals and begin the writing process:
  • Start by brainstorming all the things that have went well and what could be improved in their past two years of school.
  • Next, organize the thoughts into categories or themes, such as academic, social, or personal.
  • Finally, write a detailed account of their reflections, including any insights or thoughts that came up while brainstorming and organizing.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and have each group share their reflections with the group.
  • Encourage them to ask questions and make observations about their classmates' reflections.
  • As a class, discuss the common themes and insights that were shared by different students.
  • Provide supportive feedback and encouragement as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a piece of paper and have them draw a line down the middle.
  • On the left side, have them write down a few things that have gone well for them over the past two years of school.
  • On the right side, have them write down a few things that could be improved for them over the past two years of school.
  • Have them exchange papers with a partner and discuss the lists with each other.
  • Have them create a collage or timeline using the lists they have created and any additional thoughts or ideas they have.
  • Display the collage or timeline for the class to see and discuss.


  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the importance of reflecting upon past experiences, the importance of being open-minded and receptive to feedback, and the importance of accepting responsibility for our actions and the impact they can have on others.
  • Ask students to share one thing that has gone well for them over the past two years of school and one thing that could be improved for them over the past two years of school.
  • Remind students that reflecting upon past experiences can help to guide us in making better decisions in the future.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concepts.
  • Review and evaluate students' reflective journal entries and presentation slides for insight into their past two years at school and their future goals.

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