
Topic: Respiration

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain respiration as the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen.
  • Students will collect data to show that respiration is impacted by movement. What happens to our breathing when we move?


  • Breath monitors or sensors
  • Watch or timer
  • Chart paper or whiteboard and markers
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Calculator (optional)


  • Have students sit in a straight line.
  • Have students place one hand on their chest and the other hand on their belly.
  • Ask students to take a deep breath in and out, focusing on where their hand is moving.
  • After a few breaths, ask students to raise their hand if their hand moved down while they were breathing in and up while they were breathing out.
  • Ask a few volunteers to share their responses with the class.
  • Discuss that this movement is called respiration and it is how our bodies get oxygen into our blood and release carbon dioxide.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the definition of respiration as the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen.
  • Discuss the role of the lungs in respiration and how they contain small air sacs called alveoli where gas exchange takes place.
  • Explain that movement can impact our respiration by causing us to breathe more quickly and deeply.

Guided Practice

  • Have students complete the "Respiration Monitor" activity worksheet.
  • This activity will have students track their respiration while they are sitting still and while they are moving - first slowly, then more quickly and deeply.
  • As a class, discuss the data collected and how movement impacts respiration.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete the "Respiration in Action" activity worksheet.
  • In this activity, students will observe the respiration of different animals and explore how respiration is impacted by the environment.
  • As a class, discuss the data collected and how respiration is impacted by the environment.


  • Review the key concepts of respiration and how it is impacted by the environment.
  • Ask students to share their observations from the "Respiration in Action" activity worksheet.


  • Observe student participation in the group discussions and independent practice.
  • Evaluate the completed "Respiration in Action" worksheets for understanding of key concepts and observations.

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