Rate Of Reactions Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Rate of reactions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Define rate of reaction and understand its significance
  • Identify and explain the effect of kinetic factors on the rate of a reaction


  • Cations and anions
  • Buffer solution
  • Buffer solution pH indicator strips
  • Two solutions of different concentration of A and B (e.g. solution A: 0.1 M B, solution B: 0.2 M B)
  • Independent variable: change in concentration of A and B
  • Dependent variable: change in pH of buffer solution
  • pH meter
  • Stopwatch
  • Calculator
  • Data table
  • Graph paper


  • Ask students what they know about the rate of a chemical reaction. Allow a few volunteers to share their ideas.
  • Explain that the rate of a chemical reaction refers to how fast the reaction occurs.

Direct Instruction

  • Write the following equation on the board:
  • As an example, consider the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water:
  • The rate of this reaction depends on several factors, including the concentrations of the reactants and the temperature.
  • Introduce the concept of the rate law and explain that it gives the rate of a reaction as a function of the concentrations of the reactants.
  • Using the example above, write the rate law for the reaction on the board:

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to solve problems involving the rate law for a given reaction.
  • These problems could include:
  • Sketching the concentration vs. time graph for a given reaction
  • Determining the rate of the reaction at a given point in time
  • Calculating the rate law for the reaction

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in groups to investigate the effect of a different kinetic factor on the rate of a given reaction.
  • They can do this by conducting an experiment to vary the concentration of a specific reactant and measuring the rate of the reaction.
  • Students will then use their data to create a graph showing the rate of the reaction as a function of the concentration of the reactant.
  • Students will present their findings to the class, including a graph showing the rate of the reaction as a function of the concentration of the reactant and a written explanation of their results.


  • Review the concept of rate of reaction and the importance of kinetic factors in determining the rate of a reaction.
  • Ask students to give examples of reactions that have different rates depending on the concentration of the reactants.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice to see if they are able to accurately determine the rate of the reaction and explain the reasons for the observed results.
  • Collect and review the students' worksheets for understanding of the concept of rate of reaction and the ability to accurately determine the rate of a reaction.
  • Administer a quiz at the end of the lesson to assess students' understanding of the concept of rate of reaction and their ability to determine the rate of a reaction based on the given data.

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