12th Grade Climate Changes Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Causes and evidences of climate changes, major impacts and predictions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the evidences and causes of climate changes.
  • Students will be able to explain the major impacts of climate changes and the predicted consequences.


  • Examples of climate changes
  • Maps of major impacts of climate changes
  • Projection slides of predicted consequences of climate changes
  • Handouts with definitions and examples of climate changes


  • Ask students to share their knowledge about climate changes.
  • Write the definitions and examples of climate changes on the board.
  • Have students work in pairs to answer questions about the definitions and examples.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute copies of the handout with definitions and examples of climate changes.
  • Review the definitions and examples as a class, clarifying any misunderstandings.
  • Introduce the concept of climate change and explain that it refers to any long-term change in the world's climate.
  • Discuss the different types of climate change, including global warming, climate change due to natural factors, and climate change due to human activity.
  • Provide examples of the impacts and predictions of each type of climate change.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group one type of climate change to study.
  • Have the groups research the causes, major impacts, and predictions of their assigned type of climate change.
  • Have the groups present their findings to the class, providing examples and explaining the impact of each.
  • Lead a class discussion on the different types of climate change and their causes, impacts, and predictions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one type of climate change to research in more detail.
  • Have students create a presentation or report on their chosen type of climate change, including information on its causes, major impacts, and predictions.
  • Have students present their reports or presentations to the class.


  • Review the main points covered in the lesson, including the different types of climate change, their causes and major impacts, and any predictions for the future.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it impacts them personally.


  • Administer a quiz or test covering the major points of the lesson, including the different types of climate change, their causes and major impacts, and any predictions for the future.
  • Use the projects and presentations created by students as part of the independent practice as a form of assessment, considering their understanding of the topic and their ability to apply it to a real-world situation.

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