Free Science Lesson Plans: Ideal for 12th Grade Students

Lesson Plan
Anatomy Of Cerebral Cortex

Students will learn about the anatomy of the cerebral cortex including lobes, sulci & gyri, functional areas with important functions and blood supply.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Electric Current And Ohm's Law

Understanding Ohm's Law and its Applications.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Thermodynamics In The Aquaponics System

What is the importance of thermodynamics and temperature in the aquaponics system?

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Desert Land Biome: Temperate And Tropical Desert

How animals and organisms adapt to desert and importance of desert in our life.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Physiology Of The Cells

cell compositions, cell membrane, cytoplasmic organelles

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

Human body

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan


Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Maxwell's Equations

Concepts and math definitions

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Atomic Number

how to calculate atomic number

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Pemetaan Geologi

Pemetaan Geologi: Alat, Aplikasi, dan Software Penunjang

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

10 min lesson plan on method and benefits of green bean sprouts

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

write a lesson about genetic

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Protein Synthesis

write a lesson about transcription and translation of dna

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Cell Biology

Write a detailed lesson plan on cell biology. Focus on the structure and function of cells, cell differentiation, cell size, cell transport and cell communication

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Rate Of Reactions

define rate of reaction and study the effect of kinetic factors on the rate of the reaction

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Climate Changes

Evidences and causes, major impacts and predictions.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Lymphocytes Types

types of lymphocytes and their ratio in the body

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Human Body

explanation, description of the human part classification exercises and answers

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

respiration and its types

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

Complete lesson plan on hydrides

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Everything Is Code

How everything in the universe is made up of patterns and numbers, how music is really math you can hear, how every atom that exists vibrates therefore it makes a sound. What is the music of the Universe trying to tell us?

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Animal Parts And Function

Illustrate how the human body regulates physiological activities, Discuss a certain disorder caused by not maintaining an internal condition in the body; Value the importance of maintaining steady internal conditions in the body.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Cell Division

Cell contents, organelles and how it divides?

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan

Climatology is the study of climate and how it changes over time. This science helps people better understand the atmospheric conditions that cause weather patterns and temperature changes over time.

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science
Lesson Plan
Time Dilation And Length Contraction

The impact of special relativity on time and length of objects moving at relativistic speeds

Grade: 12th Grade
Subject: Science