Write A Lesson Plan About "Andorra" Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Identity and self-perception in an environment of prejudice and racism

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the significance of self-perception and identity in the context of prejudice and racism
  • To analyse the characters' struggle for self-identity in Andorra, and how prejudices and racism affect this struggle
  • To be able to relate the theme of self-perception and identity in Andorra to wider societal issues

Topics Covered

  • Identity and self-perception
  • Prejudice and racism
  • The struggle for self-identity in Andorra

Table of Contents


Overview of Andorra

The play "Andorra"

Staging "Andorra"




Max Frisch's play "Andorra" deals with the question of one's own identity in the context of a society marked by prejudice and racism. The young Andri is stylised as a "Jew" and confronted with anti-Semitic prejudices until he himself has completely internalised these attributions. In this lesson plan, we will introduce the play and its themes, discuss different ways of staging the play, and provide suggestions for teaching the play.

Introduction to Andorra

"Andorra" is a play by Max Frisch that was first published in 1958. It is set in an unnamed European country during the 1930s.

The protagonist of the play is Andri, a young man who is stylised as a "Jew". He has a Christian mother and a Jewish father, who is believed to have died in a concentration camp. Andri has a non-Jewish friend, Bernard, who is engaged to a young woman named Margret.

Andri is confronted with anti-Semitic prejudices, which he internalises and which start to influence his behaviour and his identity.

Overview of Andorra

Andorra is a tiny country in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. With a population of just over 70,000 people, it is one of the smallest independent countries in the world.

It has a long and turbulent history, marked by foreign invasions and conflicts. It gained its independence from the neighbouring countries in the 14th century and has since been ruled by the Count of Urgell in Spain and the Bishop of Urgell in France.

Since the 19th century, Andorra has been trying to find a way to become independent and to establish its own identity. The issue of its political status is still unresolved.

Today, Andorra is a prosperous, modern country with a strong tourism industry. It is known for its duty-free shopping and as a tax haven.

The play "Andorra"

"Andorra" is a play by Max Frisch that was first published in 1958. It is set in an unnamed European country during the 1930s.

The protagonist of the play is Andri, a young man who is stylised as a "Jew". He has a Christian mother and a Jewish father, who is believed to have died in a concentration camp. Andri has a non-Jewish friend, Bernard, who is engaged to a young woman named Margret.

The play deals with the question of one's own identity in the context of a society marked by prejudice and racism. Andri is confronted with anti-Semitic prejudices, which he internalises and which start to influence his behaviour and his identity.

The play is a psychological drama that explores the themes of prejudice and racism, identity and self-discovery, and the struggle to find one's own place in the world.

Staging "And

Guided Reading

In this section, the students will read "Andorra" in their own language or in a translation. The teacher will facilitate a discussion on the themes and the characters of the play.

In the first part of the reading, the students will focus on Andri as the protagonist and on the way he is stylised as a "Jew". They will discuss the different ways in which his identity is shaped by the prejudices of the society in which he lives.

The second part of the reading will deal with the relationship between Andri and Bernard, and with the role that Margret plays in their lives. The students will discuss the different ways in which their friendship is tested by the anti-Semitic prejudices that are prevalent in their society.

The students will be asked to think about the different ways in which the play can be staged and about the different themes that can be emphasised in each staging.

Independent Reading

In this section, the students will work on a project-based independent reading, in which they will choose a scene from "Andorra" and discuss the ways in which it can be staged.

The students will be asked to think about the different themes that can be emphasised in each staging, and to consider how the staging can contribute to a better understanding of the themes.

Preparing for a Lesson Plan

In this section, the students will work in groups to prepare a lesson plan on the chosen scene from "Andorra". The lesson plan should include a presentation of the themes of the scene and a discussion of the staging possibilities. The students will be asked to share their lesson plan with the rest of the class.


Reviewing the Scenes

The class will come together to review the different scenes that have been discussed, and to discuss the ways in which the different staging possibilities can contribute to a better understanding of the themes of the scenes.


In this lesson, students will be assessed on their participation in the class discussions, their understanding of the different staging possibilities, and their ability to create a lesson plan based on the play.

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