12th Grade Applications Of Operation Amplifiers Lesson Plan

Topic: Applications of operation amplifiers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to explain the applications of operation amplifiers in everyday devices and systems, and demonstrate the ability to use operation amplifiers in practical applications.


  • Operation amplifiers
  • Basic circuit components (resistors, capacitors, etc.)
  • Digital multimeter
  • Various practical circuit examples (e.g. burglar alarms, thermostats, etc.)


  • Ask students to list some devices or systems that they are familiar with that might use operation amplifiers.
  • Have students brainstorm potential applications for operation amplifiers in each of the examples they mentioned.
  • Discuss the potential applications as a class and explain how operation amplifiers might be used in each example.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of operation amplifiers as devices that can be used to amplify or increase the strength of a signal.
  • Discuss the basic operation of an op-amp, including its input, output, and internal circuitry.
  • Explain how the characteristics of an op-amp, such as its voltage gain, current gain, and input and output impedance, can be used to meet the needs of different applications.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with a handout containing a series of problems that involve the use of an op-amp in a specific application.
  • Have the students work in pairs to solve the problems, providing assistance as needed.
  • Review the solutions as a class.

Independent Practice

  • Provide the students with a list of applications for which an op-amp can be used, and have them choose one to design a circuit for.
  • Give the students the materials needed to construct the circuit, and have them complete the project in class.
  • Have the students present their projects to the class, explaining how the circuit they designed works and giving any additional details that may be relevant.


  • Review the different applications for which an op-amp can be used.
  • Ask the students to share any insights or learning experiences they had during the independent practice activity.


  • Observe the students during the guided practice activity and take note of their understanding of the concept.
  • Evaluate the students' project reports for their ability to apply the concept in a practical application.

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