12th Grade Accumulation And Tax Allowances Lesson Plan Example

Topic:Accumulation and Tax Allowances


Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the basic principles and procedures of pension planning in the accumulation stage.
  • To be able to calculate the tax allowances and rules in relation to pensions.


  • Textbook on pensions
  • Calculators
  • Handouts on pension tax allowances


  • Ask the students if they have any knowledge or exposure to pensions.
  • Ask the students to share their experiences and impressions of pensions.
  • Write the word pension on the board and ask the students to give their own definitions of it.
  • Review the definitions given by the students and highlight the main aspects of pensions.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain the differences between the accumulation stage and the withdrawal stage of a pension plan.
  • Discuss the general tax allowances and rules that apply to pensions, including the tax treatment of contributions and payments, and the tax treatment of benefits.
  • Use the handouts to provide more detailed information on the topics discussed.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete a worksheet on pension planning in the accumulation stage. The worksheet could include questions on the general topics covered in the direct instruction, as well as some practice problems.
  • Have students work in pairs to complete a worksheet on the general tax allowances and rules that apply to pensions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a specific type of pension to research in more detail. They could choose from a list of common pension types provided by the teacher, or they could research a type not listed on the list.
  • Have students create a short presentation or report on their chosen pension plan. The presentation or report should cover the following topics:
  • The basics of the pension plan
  • How contributions are made and invested
  • The tax rules and tax benefits for the pension plan
  • The potential advantages and disadvantages of the pension plan (for example, fees and investment options)


  • Review the main points of the lesson with the class. Ask students to summarize the main taxes and allowances that apply to pensions, and how they affect retiree's income.
  • Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning.Ask students to share any questions or concerns they have about pensions and retirement planning


  • Assessment:
  • Formative:Participation in class discussions, ability to summarize key points, accurately identify and explain taxes and allowances related to pensions.
  • Summative:Written test on the key points of the lesson, including taxes and allowances and their effects on pensions.
  • Evaluation:Observation and reflection of class participation, the quality of written projects, and the accuracy of the students' answers on the quiz.

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