12th Grade Shot Types Lesson Plan

Topic: Shot Types

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe and give examples of the different types of shots used in film making, including extreme close-ups, panoramic shots, and tracking shots.


  • Examples of film clips that include different shot types (such as a classic Hollywood film)
  • Handouts with descriptions and examples of the different shot types
  • Projector or computer with a large display for showing the film clips


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a movie or television show that made them feel a particular way, such as excited, scared, or sad.
  • Ask them to share some of their examples and discuss why the movies or shows made them feel that way.
  • Next, ask students if they are aware of the different techniques that filmmakers use to create the emotional responses in their audiences, such as shot types.
  • Explain that in this class, they will learn about the different shot types and how they are used to create certain feelings and effects in films.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by reviewing the definitions of the different shot types.
  • Show examples of each shot type on the projector or smart board and discuss how each one creates a different effect or emotion in the audience.
  • Use the handouts to provide examples and have students work in pairs to discuss how each shot type creates a different effect.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a different film clip to analyze. Have them use the shot types to identify the different effects the director is trying to create and discuss their findings with the class.

Independent Practice

  • For their project, have students choose a film or television show they are familiar with and analyze the use of shot types in that film or episode. They should create a visual representation of the shots used in the film or episode and use it to demonstrate how the director is using the shot types to create specific effects.


  • Review the different shot types and their effects on viewers. Ask students to give examples of each shot type and how they are used in film making.


  • Observe their participation in discussion and the quality of their written reflection.Evaluation
  • Give a grade based on their understanding of the different shot types and their effect on viewers.

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