Logarithm Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: Logarithms

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, you will be able to calculate the logarithm of a given number and use logarithms to solve problems involving exponential relationships.


  • Calculator
  • Handouts with examples of logarithms and logarithmic problems


  • Ask students if they have heard of logarithms before and if so, what they know about them.
  • Write the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000 on the board and ask students to write down the corresponding logarithms.
  • Ask for volunteers to explain their reasoning for how they arrived at the logarithms.

Direct Instruction

  • Define logarithms and explain how they are related to exponents.
  • Write the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000 on the board again, but this time include the corresponding logarithms next to them.
  • Ask students to compare the lengths of the numbers and the corresponding logarithms, and ask them to explain why the logarithms are shorter (i.e. because they are based on a power of 10).
  • Write the numbers 1, 10, and 100 on the board, and ask students to calculate the corresponding logarithms.
  • Ask students to explain their reasoning for how they arrived at the logarithms.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of numbers and logarithms.
  • Have the groups work together to identify the numbers and their corresponding logarithms.
  • Have each group present their work to the class and have the class confirm the answers.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in pairs to solve problems involving logarithms.
  • Ask students to record the steps they take to solve the problems and check their answers with a calculator.
  • Encourage students to ask for help if they get stuck.


  • Review the concept of logarithms and how to use a calculator to compute them.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about logarithms during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their calculators and their presentations.
  • Alternatively, have students submit their calculators and presentations for assessment.

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