Free 12th Grade 2 Hour Plan On Word Processing Lesson Plan

Topic: Using Home tab in word processing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to create and format basic documents using the Home tab in Microsoft Word.


  • Computers with Microsoft Word installed
  • Handouts with examples of Home tab features


  • Ask students to name some word processing software they have used.
  • Ask students if they are familiar with the Home tab in word processing software.
  • Ask students to name some of the features they typically find on the Home tab.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining that the Home tab is one of the most commonly used tabs in word processing software, and it contains a variety of tools that can be used to format and edit text.
  • Show students how to access the Home tab by clicking on the View tab and then selecting the Home tab.
  • Introduce the different tools found on the Home tab, including:
  • The Font drop-down menu: This menu allows users to select different fonts for their text.
  • The Font Size drop-down menu: This menu allows users to select different sizes for their fonts.
  • The Bold, Italic, Underline buttons: These buttons allow users to quickly format text in bold, italic, or underline format.
  • The Format Painter button: This button allows users to copy the formatting of one piece of text and apply it to another.
  • The Alignment buttons: These buttons allow users to align their text left, center, or right.
  • The Borders button: This button allows users to add borders to their text.
  • The Colour button: This button allows users to select a color for their text.
  • The Editing buttons: These buttons include Undo, Redo, and Repeat.
  • The Tools button: This button allows users to access additional tools, such as the grammar checker, synonym finder, and thesaurus.
  • After introducing the different tools on the Home tab, have students work with a partner to practice using them to format and edit text.

Guided Practice

  • Bring up a document in word processing software and have students work with a partner to format and edit the text in the document using the tools on the Home tab.
  • Have students share their work with the class and discuss how they used the tools to format and edit the text.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based assignment where they have to format and edit a document on their own.
  • Encourage students to use the tools on the Home tab to format and edit the text in their document.


  • Have students share their projects with the class and discuss how they used the formatting and editing tools on the Home tab to make their documents look nicer and more organized.


  • Formative assessment could be done through observation during the independent practice activity and through peer feedback on the final product. Evaluation
  • This lesson can be evaluated based on the students' ability to use the formatting and editing tools on the Home tab in Word and their ability to successfully create a 2-hour plan document.

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