Reading Comprehension

Topic:Reading Comprehension - Answering Key Questions and Details

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify key questions and details in a reading passage.
  • Students will be able to answer key questions and provide details in their answers.


  • A reading passage with key questions and details
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Handouts with the reading passage questions and details highlighted


  • Show the students the reading passage and ask them to listen to the questions you read.
  • Ask them to raise their hand if they understand the question and can answer it.
  • After reading all the questions, ask the students to count how many questions they were able to answer.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of reading comprehension and explain that it means understanding what we read.
  • Show the students the reading passage again and ask them to listen to the questions.
  • Ask them to think about the questions and find the answers in the passage.
  • As they find the answers, have them write them down on their own copy of the passage.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the passages and have the students work in pairs.
  • Have one student read the passage aloud while the other student listens and answers the questions.
  • Have the students switch roles and repeat the process.
  • Afterward, have the students share their answers with the class and explain why they chose the answers they did.
  • If possible, have the students practice using this technique on their own during independent reading time.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a book to read independently.
  • Have them use the reading comprehension technique to answer the key questions and details in the book.
  • Encourage them to take notes and use their notes to help them answer the questions.


  • Have the students share their answers to the key questions and details in their books.
  • Ask them to explain their answers and give examples from their books.
  • Review the reading comprehension technique and remind the students how to use it to understand and remember what they read.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their ability to use the reading comprehension technique and answer the key questions and details.
  • Collect the students' books and evaluate their answers to the key questions and details.
  • Have the students take a quiz on the reading comprehension technique and use of key questions and details in their books.

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