
Topic: mindfulness

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the concept of mindfulness and how it helps us to concentrate and calm down.


  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Images or objects that represent mindfulness (e.g. statue of Buddha, flower, gem, etc.)


  • Have students sit in a comfortable position with their eyes closed.
  • Introduce the concept of mindfulness and explain that it is the ability to focus on the present moment without being distracted.
  • Ask students to think of a time when they were able to focus on one task without being distracted.
  • Write their examples on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute the mindfulness coloring pages and crayons to the students.
  • Explain that while they are coloring, they should focus their attention on the present moment and try not to be distracted by thoughts or feelings.
  • Ask students to take deep breaths and focus on the sensation of their breath entering and leaving their bodies.

Guided Practice

  • Have students focus on the coloring activity and encourage them to take deep breaths.
  • If students become distracted and start to think about something else, remind them to return their attention to the present moment and the activity at hand.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create a poster or collage to represent their experience with the mindfulness activity. Encourage them to include pictures and words that convey what they learned and how it helped them to concentrate and calm down.


  • Remind students of the importance of being mindful and paying attention in order to concentrate and calm down.


  • Observe students during independent practice and during the guided practice to see if they are able to concentrate and calm down. --Discuss students' experiences and observations during sharing time.

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