12th Grade Writing Process To Develop Team-Based Tasks Lesson Plan Example

Topic:The writing process to develop team-based tasks

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the writing process and its application in team-based tasks
  • To learn how to collaborate with teammates to generate a multimodal manifesto


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • A collaborative team-based task (e.g. poster design, ad campaign, product launch)
  • Writing prompts for brainstorming (optional)


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to think about a time when they had to work with a team to complete a project. Ask them to share their experiences and what challenges they faced.
  • Explain that today they will be learning about the writing process, which can be applied to team-based tasks to help them collaborate effectively.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the writing process, explaining that it is a series of steps that writers follow to create their work.
  • Emphasize the importance of each step, explaining that each one contributes to the overall quality of the writing.
  • Use the handouts to provide examples of each stage of the writing process.
  • Ask students to brainstorm ideas for their multimodal writing task, using the notes from the warm-up activity as a starting point.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and ask each group to brainstorm ideas for their multimodal writing task.
  • As students brainstorm, have them write their ideas on post-it notes or small pieces of paper.
  • Once students have brainstormed enough ideas, have them arrange the post-it notes or pieces of paper into a logical order, creating a rough draft of their task.
  • Ask students to share their rough draft with the rest of the class, getting feedback and suggestions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on their rough drafts individually or in small groups.
  • As students work on their rough drafts, have them consider the different media and modes they could use to convey their ideas.
  • Encourage students to use graphic organizers, visual aids, and other strategies to support their writing.


  • Have students share their rough drafts with the class.
  • Have students reflect on how they used different media and modes in their rough drafts.
  • Ask students to share any challenges they faced and how they were able to overcome them.


  • Evaluate the effectiveness of each team's final multimodal writing manefesto based on the completeness and quality of their final product.

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